Two years ago today I gave up… I gave up being hurt, I gave up fighting myself and those trying to help me. I gave up on everything, but it was the best thing to happen. But Today marks TWO years since I was rescued and brought to The WellHouse, and my life is better than I could ever imagine it being.
Read MoreSince our last Rescue update, The WellHouse has accepted seven new residents into our restorative program.
Rescue happens in a number of different ways, but it almost always happens when someone identifies a victim. We share these stories so you can know how to identify a victim and what to do when a victim needs your help.
Read MoreCindy began working with the transport team, helping drive ladies to various medical and dental appointments. She was surprised at how the conversation flowed. “We would chat all the way to and from the appointments,” said Cindy. “I didn’t ask questions about their trauma. It was more like a friendly, casual conversation. I was surprised by how quickly the girls made their way into my heart, though. Before long, I knew with certainty that The WellHouse was a place God wanted me to serve.”
Read MoreI came to the WellHouse in 2019 after encountering minor victims of trafficking while investigating a sexual abuse case. I knew the young ladies from my time as a school resource officer, so listening to their forensic interview brought this tragedy close to home. After the interview, the reality that our state lacked resources specific to provide these minor victims was apparent. I searched but could not find help for these young ladies whose families do not have the financial resources to provide trauma therapy.
Read MoreThe [time in captivity] damaged my soul in ways I didn’t know were possible. I would escape these days of misery by leaving my body and imagining I am home with my family. I tried to make myself believe this was just a bad dream.
Read MoreSince our last Rescue update, The WellHouse has accepted 10 new residents into our restorative program. Rescue happens in a number of different ways, but it almost always happens when someone identifies a victim. We share these stories so you can know how to identify a victim and what to do when a victim needs your help.
Read MoreMy name is Haley Hawkins, and I'm interning at The WellHouse. The WellHouse is a powerful place. The reality of trafficking became less distant the day I found out about the WellHouse. But, the day I arrived here for the first time, that reality consumed me. This is the story of my journey from grad school to The WellHouse...
Read MoreThe WellHouse has broken ground on a new residential care facility for underage victims of sex trafficking. One of only 40 known programs for trafficked minors in the nation, and the first in Alabama, the new home will offer emergency accommodation, safe housing and recovery programming to victims under 18 years old.
Read MoreThe WellHouse Junior Board has wrapped up their 2021 Grace Gala Gives Campaign, and they hit their $100,000 fundraising goal! We have our sponsors and donors to thank for making this campaign a huge success!
Read MoreBefore being rescued and brought to the WellHouse, Emma says, “I was constantly running, running from danger, running from responsibility, reality, running from the police and most of all running from GOD. I was broken.”
“I now know I have a value that no dollar amount is associated with. I know that I am loved perfectly, unconditionally, and forgiven.”
Read MoreRescues since last update: 5. These are their real rescue stories. One young lady from North Alabama was rescued in Georgia. She was found and rescued from a hotel in Atlanta by a police officer after she attempted to overdose. Her advocate called the WellHouse Crisis Line, and we did an intake.
Read MoreMy name is Haylee Dortch, a recent graduate from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. I’m now a full-time case manager at the WellHouse! I went into social work wondering which population would call to me. It wasn’t long at all before God called me into this amazing community of hard-working clinicians and inspiring survivors.
Read MoreAlliance to Include U.S. Attorney’s Offices for Northern, Middle and Southern Districts, Homeland Security Investigations, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Family Sunshine Center, Wellhouse, Ashakiran, West Alabama Human Trafficking Task Force and Poarch Band of Creek Indians
Read MoreOctober and November were busy months at the WellHouse! We coordinated 26 intakes and placements from across the country, of both women and children. Of those, 5 came to the WellHouse to start our long-term recovery program. Residents came to our facility from as far south as Florida and as far north as Illinois.
Read MoreHannah came from a seemingly "normal" family. Her grandfather was a preacher, and her name was inspired by a Biblical figure, but things were not what they seemed. Growing up, she dealt with ongoing sexual harassment and "culture grooming." Hannah became a mom at age 16. After high school, she had little options to support herself and turned to night club dancing. This is where her trafficking story begins.
Read MoreMy favorite part of working as a Home Coordinator at The WellHouse is watching the transformation God performs on each one of these women. I have the opportunity to witness first-hand the power of God, and how He performs miracles and heals each one of these women, mentally, physically, emotionally, and most importantly, spiritually!
Read MoreWhen I was 15 years old, I felt the gentle nudge from my God calling me to serve those who seemed helplessly disadvantaged. It never crossed my mind how far this “calling” would take me into a dark world of evil, egregious behavior! What vulnerable human beings are forced to endure defy anything I could have ever imagined.
Read MoreIn the last quarter, The WellHouse has assisted in retrieving 14 women and girls from the hands of their traffickers and bringing them safely to The WellHouse. Our Rescue team works hard to devise and facilitate the best rescue operation plan for each case they encounter. They are helping victims from all over the United States leave dangerous, life-threatening situations and find a safe place to heal and recover. We ask for your fervent prayers over each victim that is found.
Read MoreMy journey with The WellHouse began four years ago, and as I reflect on that journey, God’s perfect plan is obvious. Four years ago, our family received the news that our son was in end stage heart failure. To survive he would need a LVAD, a ventricular assist device that would pump his heart until a donor heart was available. Before surgeons will perform this surgery, they must have the committed support of a caregiver, someone who promises to be with the patient 24/7 should the device malfunction and require intervention.
Read MoreReagan grew up in a loving, supportive, and safe family. She enjoyed school, made good grades, had great friends, and played almost every sport. Her childhood was a happy one. Reagan’s trafficking experience began after she decided to stop at a local gas station after school to refill her car. As she pulled up, she saw that a group of men were standing around the gas pumps.
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