Emma's Story
Representative of the women we serve.
This is a real survivor story from a WellHouse graduate. Name has been changed to protect the survivor. Images are representatives of the women we serve.
Before being rescued and brought to the WellHouse, Emma says her life was consistently on a decline. “If you can imagine declining from the lowest place possible one can manage to be, [this was my life].”
Emma was on the run. She did not want to face her problems, or herself.
“I was running from God.”
“I was constantly running, running from danger, from responsibility, from reality, from the police, and most of all running from GOD. I was broken,” Emma said. “That was a hard realization to grasp.”
Emma wanted a way out, but she knew of no such way.
“I was too damaged to believe I deserved anything more,” she said.
Then one day, during one of her “many extended stays” at the county jail, Emma was told that she would not be released by the judge until she was given an assessment. By way of that assessment, she was given the opportunity to go to a human trafficking survivor rehabilitation program: The WellHouse. She had never been offered a chance at any form of rehabilitation before.
Representatives of the women we serve.
“This was my chance, and quite possibly the only one I may ever get. I knew I had to at least give it my best and an honest effort. I didn’t have anything more I could lose,” Emma said.
Emma was “terrified” the entire ride to The WellHouse. She described being scared the whole first day. When she arrived, all the residents and the Home Coordinator were away at equine therapy. She was the only one there for a short time, which intensified her fear.
When they got back to the house, Emma says that every single one of the women in the house could see her pain. “They could sense my fear, yet they welcomed me like they’ve known me for years,” Emma said. She was relieved. “It was just the beginning of many positive experiences I've had with the WellHouse.”
Recently, Emma graduated from The WellHouse! As a result of her substantial growth, she now holds a management position in a meaningful career. These were her words spoken at her graduation ceremony…
“I’ve come to know so many beautiful people throughout my year at The WellHouse,” Emma said. “In my experience, being a nice person was a dying breed, an idea of how people should be, but are not. But the fact that there are good people at The WellHouse, and that good people are still out here in the world, inspires me everyday to be better, do better, love better, and know better!”
“I now know I have a value that no dollar amount is associated with.”
“I now know I have a value that no dollar amount is associated with. I know that I am loved perfectly, unconditionally, and forgiven. I know that I can achieve so much more than I ever thought possible when I apply myself. The confidence in that is so liberating, I can’t wait to see “His” plan for my life,” Emma said.
“The WellHouse has given me so many gifts, like the gift of a relationship with my Father, God. I was raised Atheist, but after everything I experienced in my life and everything I survived, that was all the evidence I needed to believe. I now know it was Him the whole time who kept me safe, kept me alive, and that He was the one who rescued me with the WellHouse being His Hands & Feet on the ground.”
“I can never repay the tremendous amount of time and resources that the WellHouse has provided me with to turn my life around! The only thank you I feel is worthy of everything they have done for me is to succeed and to pay it forward in His Kingdom, with every opportunity he puts in front of me, and never forgetting where i was rescued from.
“The staff at The WellHouse never gave up on me.”
“I will never forget what a beautiful gift I’ve been given for a new beginning. I would have never dreamed it possible without The WellHouse believing in me first and seeing potential in me. The staff at The WellHouse never gave up on me.”
Emma came to The WellHouse with outstanding warrants in different jurisdictions, court fines, and had to work through several court appearances, which The WellHouse Case Managers assisted her with every step of the way. She even had to go back to jail at one point to serve five more months before she was able to come back and finish the program. The WellHouse staff stayed in constant contact with her every step of the way, offering encouragement and support with every phone call.
As of today, Emma has paid all of her fines, and is free and clear. She purchased a car, has started her full time role with ShopWell, and she is excited about moving into her new apartment on The WellHouse campus—which was made possible by you, our supporters!
Through lots of prayer, encouragement, dedication to Emma’s success and recovery, and fighting with her in the most challenging times, Emma has overcome! Your prayers, support, and advocacy makes all the difference in what we do every day with women just like Emma!
Thank you, and please celebrate Emma’s progress with us!