Rescue Update - Spring 2021
Rescues since last update: 9
Representatives of the women we serve.
These are their real rescue stories.
One young lady from North Alabama was rescued in Georgia. She was found and rescued from a hotel in Atlanta by a police officer after she attempted to overdose. Her advocate called the WellHouse Crisis Line, and we did an intake.
One young lady from the Northeast region of United States was also rescued from Georgia. She found herself in a dangerous situation with her trafficker but managed to lock herself in a car and call the police. Police responded, and she was referred to The Wellhouse by an advocate in Georgia. The advocate called the WellHouse Crisis Line, and we did an intake.
One young lady from California was rescued out of the Southeast region of the United States. A police department contacted an advocate for victims. The advocate contacted the WellHouse Crisis Line, and an intake was done.
One young lady from Central Alabama was rescued from Central Alabama. She was referred to The WellHouse by Central Alabama Police Department.
One young lady from North Alabama was rescued from North Alabama. She used a death in the family as her chance to escape her trafficker. She asked him if they could come home for the family member’s funeral. He agreed. While visiting with family and without her trafficker knowing, she asked her mom to call emergency housing and arrange for her to be picked up. The victim and her mom asked the trafficker to go to the store, and while he was gone, she was picked up and taken to emergency housing. The emergency housing staff called the WellHouse Crisis Line, and we did an intake.