Posts in Rescue Updates
Rescue Update: Spring 2025

Over the past months of December, January and February, The WellHouse has welcomed 11 new residents from all over the country. But that’s not all—we completed construction on our new Stabilization Center! This essential expansion to the Stabilization Center provides a larger space for the critical first step for survivors as they transition into a stable and secure environment.

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Rescue Update: Winter 2024

The arrival of these six new residents is a reminder of the body of Christ at work. Your prayers, generosity, and acts of service enable us to answer God’s call to care for the vulnerable. Together, we are not only meeting immediate needs but also showing survivors the transformative love of Jesus. We believe every individual is created in His image, deserving of dignity, safety, and the opportunity to live a life filled with hope and purpose.

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Rescue Update: Fall 2024

We know that for many of the survivors on our campus, substances have been used as a form of escape from their childhood trauma and trafficking. Our goal is to offer them physical, emotional, and mental safety so that they can live in peace. It is consistently true that those we intake into the program are brave women making the choice to heal, grow, and restore their lives.

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Rescue Update: Spring 2024

Over the course of the past few months, we have had intakes for 9 women. They are from Utah, Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, and Florida. We have seen their stories range from childhood sexual abuse, addiction, and grooming. One of the most common ways the women were trafficked started with a history of abuse and a lack of real love leading them to be vulnerable to traffickers' offers of love. 

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Rescue Update: Winter 2023

The WellHouse is experiencing vast growth in every area, and I am so happy to say that rescue is included in this growth. With the addition of a new Intake Coordinator, Amanda, who will be helping with intake calls, arranging transportation, while fostering and maintaining relationships, we are able to be more committed to rescuing and recovering victims than ever before.  However, as most things, with an increase in numbers comes other difficulties. 

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Rescue Update: Fall 2023

Since our last rescue update, we have received eight women into our program with seven of them continuing to heal with us! The most common way that The WellHouse receives a survivor of human trafficking is through our amazing partnerships with other organizations, but anyone can make a referral by calling our intake phone number or sending the rescue department an email.

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Rescue Update - Summer 2023

Since the last rescue report, we have had 8 women receive services at The WellHouse and 4 of those women are still with us! Currently, I am seeing a trend with survivors coming to us with severe mental health disorders. Mental health disorders such as schizophrenia, dissociative disorders, personality disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, and complex post-traumatic stress disorder are common in the women we serve.

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Rescue Update: Summer 2022

Since our last Rescue update, The WellHouse has assisted on one sting operation and accepted twelve new residents into our restorative program. Rescue happens in a number of different ways, but it almost always happens when someone identifies a victim. We share these stories so you can know how to identify a victim and what to do when a victim needs your help.

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Rescue Update - Fall 2021

Since our last Rescue update, The WellHouse has accepted seven new residents into our restorative program.

Rescue happens in a number of different ways, but it almost always happens when someone identifies a victim. We share these stories so you can know how to identify a victim and what to do when a victim needs your help.

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Rescue Update - Summer 2021

Since our last Rescue update, The WellHouse has accepted 10 new residents into our restorative program. Rescue happens in a number of different ways, but it almost always happens when someone identifies a victim. We share these stories so you can know how to identify a victim and what to do when a victim needs your help.

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Rescue Update - Spring 2021

Rescues since last update: 5. These are their real rescue stories. One young lady from North Alabama was rescued in Georgia. She was found and rescued from a hotel in Atlanta by a police officer after she attempted to overdose. Her advocate called the WellHouse Crisis Line, and we did an intake.

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Rescue UpdatesGuest User
Rescue Update - Fall 2020

In the last quarter, The WellHouse has assisted in retrieving 14 women and girls from the hands of their traffickers and bringing them safely to The WellHouse. Our Rescue team works hard to devise and facilitate the best rescue operation plan for each case they encounter. They are helping victims from all over the United States leave dangerous, life-threatening situations and find a safe place to heal and recover. We ask for your fervent prayers over each victim that is found.

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