Posts tagged restoration
Letter from the CEO: Spring 2025

Even after more than a decade of witnessing God’s extraordinary provision for The WellHouse, I still find myself grappling with the temptation to worry—particularly when it comes to funding. I suspect that many CEOs and Executive Directors of nonprofit organizations can relate. However, rather than dwelling in uncertainty, we must ask ourselves: what proactive steps can we take?

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Letter from the CEO: Winter 2024

A person who believes that being a leader means being in charge without being challenged and believes he/she owes accountability to no one is anything but a leader and displays a character that fails to love. I am especially grateful this year for how we have chosen to grow in the scriptural commands of loving God and loving people.  Leaders are being developed, have the space to grow, and the willingness to be obedient to the commandment to love, as simple as it sounds, demonstrates the very essence of success. 

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Letter from the CEO: Fall 2024

We are in a season at The WellHouse of offering more opportunities for the adult residents who bravely seek to have their lives restored.  Faith remains the foundation as we move forward with a new level of programming that will more carefully identify individualized needs including the fact that some need more time to reach certain levels and others need less. Time restraints will be removed as our staff, partners, and volunteers pour into survivors with the goal of guiding them to an ending filled with moments of which they can be proud and can excel.  

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Letter from the CEO: Spring 2024

I often get asked what our success rate is like at The WellHouse. This is such a difficult question to answer! Who or what defines success? In the realm of residential living offering an array of pertinent services, does success come when boxes are checked indicating a year of programming completed, or is it as simple as a survivor remaining even one night on our campus escaping multiple sexual assaults that she would have typically experienced out in the world?

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Letter from the CEO: Winter 2023

It was an incredible 2023!  As we were focused on The WellHouse mission that includes honoring God as we assist in the recovery of sex trafficking victims and offer meaningful restoration services, we were continually humbled at God’s amazing protection and provision. There is simply no other explanation! This year, more than ever, we have come to realize that all of us are better than one of us.

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Staff Blog from Rachel Berry

I am continually amazed that I get to bear witness to their incredible transformations, watch them get to a place where they can stand up before a crowd of witnesses in our chapel, completely transformed and able to testify to God's goodness in their lives. Hearing them share how the Lord has come into their lives and saved them, changed them, and has given them hope, peace, and joy like they have never experienced before in their lives. 

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Letter from the CEO: Fall 2023

Not only is The WellHouse connected to those who can provide adequate training, we are willing to be the link, provide training, and mentor. Our desire is that we make and receive referrals with those in whom we can have confidence that we are likeminded, as we serve a population of people who have put their trust in us to stand in the gap for them as they bravely walk the journey of healing. 

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Expansion News from The WellHouse

One of my favorite things about working at The WellHouse, and in my role specifically, is the honor and privilege of witnessing a community of supporters give freely and cheerfully to the survivors who live on our campus. It has been said that Birmingham is one of the most philanthropic cities in the country, and I never imagined what a blessing it would be to sit at this vantage point and see the huge hearts of the people who make that true.

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Letter from the CEO: Summer 2023

There are countless articles and research on the topic of Trauma Informed Care. How it is defined often depends on whose perspective is being given. A residential living setting such as The WellHouse provides a unique perspective since we are literally living and interacting daily (24 hours per day actually) with those who have experienced severe complex trauma, often since childhood.

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Letter from the CEO - Spring 2023

And now, as all the efforts have given way to true service for the most vulnerable among us who have endured unspeakable horrors, we see the need to expand the Team. The average age of WellHouse Child youth is 13-14, meaning their abuse likely began much earlier, and the incidents of familial trafficking (family members trafficking the child) bears out the 50% rate of occurrence found by recent studies.

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The Spirit of Zipporah

One of my favorite women in scripture is Zipporah, the wife of Moses. In one courageous act, Zipporah drew herself, her son, and her husband back under the protection of God. She stepped outside of her comfort zone and her position as a woman to regain alignment with the Father. That had to be terrifying! Zipporah understood the power of God.

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