Letter from the CEO: Summer 2024
Chief Executive Officer
The WellHouse has now served over 750 women and children from across the nation and in Alabama. When we think about this number, it is sometimes hard to believe, but obvious that God has ordained His daughters’ paths to us. We are often asked how those who have left The WellHouse are doing. This is hard to answer, since there are many former residents who are currently in different circumstances and locations. However, we are dedicated to healing and success for our residents, and we constantly seek to improve our programs and services to accomplish this for each unique woman and girl. Thus, we are intentionally seeking to establish and maintain communication with former residents to both check on their status offering resources if needed, as well as evaluate our organization.
In my last newsletter I let you know of some outcomes with 31 recent WellHouse graduates. The interviews with these graduates were the beginning of this new area of service aimed at those who were former residents whether they “graduated” or not. While we know that many have struggled since leaving The WellHouse, many have continued to do well, and most, if not all, long for meaningful relationships.
We hired an Alumni Care Coordinator, who is a WellHouse graduate, and her primary duty is to seek and maintain ongoing contact with those with whom she is able to connect. This has become a very exciting endeavor! Imagine a family, high school, or college reunion in the company of those with whom you share common bonds and struggles. And, imagine also having access to needed resources and connections to people who care and are willing to continue to walk alongside you in your struggles and celebrate with you in your wins! This is what we hope to offer.
For some, this may mean reconnecting for the purpose of gaining assistance to complete goals left unfinished. For others it can mean a time of fellowship where triumphs are celebrated. But, for all, it will be ongoing connection in a supportive community. The connections include a quarterly newsletter, a social media page, and one on one contact for direction to resources.
Please pray with us for this latest undertaking and pray for former residents, our legacy. We want to reach as many as possible and be an ongoing source of help and support.
I Thessalonians 2: 19-20: For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming? For ye are our glory and joy.
We love our residents and treasure the opportunity to serve them!