Letter from the CEO - Fall 2022
Chief Executive Officer
This work can be addictive! The wonderful privilege of journeying with survivors of human trafficking as they take advantage of opportunities for restoration is life changing – for the survivor and the helper. Along the way, we’ve also enjoyed facilitating an organizational structure that allows us to manage and grow great leaders. Lately, more than ever before, The WellHouse has experienced another privilege – mentoring others in this work by offering hints of wisdom gleaned over these last twelve years of service.
Our Leadership Team labored with a dedicated tenacity and put together a manual, The WellHouse Way, which was produced earlier this year. We love the model of giving away what has been given to us, and to date we have mentored and shared The WellHouse Way with five organizations who desire to serve survivors effectively. The partnerships are mutual in that we offer our mentorship and these organizations, most of whom provide short-term care, refer survivors to The WellHouse for long-term care. This is a win for all.
We are ever grateful for our partnerships with likeminded organizations, who also long to see survivors recovered and offered what they most need: the means to heal. As a wonderful counselor stated to me recently, how people are is not always who they are. People just need opportunities to heal. As I reviewed this month’s reporting from our intake staff, I am in awe of the great work being done around this country, and how we are able to participate collaboratively with others focused on the healing journey and process.
These relationships are formed over time and through navigating the (sometimes challenging) building of mutual trust. More importantly, they are built on a shared desire to offer opportunities to those who deserve to know they are worthy. It does not require an in-depth study of the Bible to find those whose lives were impacted by pain, and who were chosen by God for great things despite their circumstances. Such a perfect picture of those we serve.
We have much to celebrate as we continue on this journey! Partnerships, restored lives, and challenges that turn into opportunities keep us going. The WellHouse is pleased to be able to offer WHO we are. And, we remain grateful to God for His abundant blessings!