I want every resident that passes through our doors to know that they always have direct access to the King of Kings, and that he has brought them out from a place of darkness and into the light of his glorious presence. God is always present with them, providing comfort and support in times of fear and uncertainty. No spiritual attributes are needed to become a daughter of the King.
Read MoreHolidays can be a time of great joy, gratitude, and fellowship; however, for a lot of our women and children it can also trigger feelings of loneliness, loss, guilt, sadness, fear, and shame. Because of this, a lot of the work I am doing with my individual clients as well as in group therapy has focused on learning and practicing coping skills that can help get through difficult seasons. Healing is never linear and oftentimes the holiday season will remind us that we need to step away from processing through our trauma for a time and focus our attention on reestablishing our sense of safety and security – within ourselves and the environment around us.
Read MoreResidents at The WellHouse have walked through unimaginable tragedy and trauma. Of course they are sinners, as we all are, but they have not allowed this to harden their hearts! Instead, they desperately cry out for glory, as they come to know the only One who can truly heal them. They beautifully humble themselves to be exalted by Him. Their worship is the most beautiful sound!
Read MoreA graduate in our NSI program said to me not long ago, “Ms. Jenn your positions are like the book ends to The WellHouse. You see and welcome us when we first get here and you’re at the end to walk us through our next steps.” That statement has stuck in my mind as a reminder of what an AWESOME God we serve. What a privilege He has given each one of us who work and serve here.
Read MoreThis May, I will celebrate four years of working with The WellHouse. Something the Lord has been showing me recently is the act of remembering. The Hebrew word used when the people of God were told to remember in the Old Testament is zakhar. This word conveys more than looking back; it is recalling and remembering that propels and encourages us to move forward in faith. Therefore, I want to recall some of God's moves on the WellHouse campus.
Read MoreI am continually amazed that I get to bear witness to their incredible transformations, watch them get to a place where they can stand up before a crowd of witnesses in our chapel, completely transformed and able to testify to God's goodness in their lives. Hearing them share how the Lord has come into their lives and saved them, changed them, and has given them hope, peace, and joy like they have never experienced before in their lives.
Read MoreOne of my favorite things about working at The WellHouse, and in my role specifically, is the honor and privilege of witnessing a community of supporters give freely and cheerfully to the survivors who live on our campus. It has been said that Birmingham is one of the most philanthropic cities in the country, and I never imagined what a blessing it would be to sit at this vantage point and see the huge hearts of the people who make that true.
Read MoreAlthough my favorite thing about working at The WellHouse is the women that I get to interact with, a close second is our beautiful campus where the restoration work takes place. As you drive through the WellHouse gates, you can immediately feel an overwhelming sense of peace that can only come from God.
Read MoreJoin us as we sit down to interview our Chief Program Officer, Marlie Hyde, about all things WellHouse Child. Marlie discusses the background and original vision for the program, a typical day in the life for one of our minor residents, staffing model, and the six phases of the program.
Read More“As Director of Trauma Therapy and a Counseling Professional, it is my ethical duty to stay apprised of the current trends in psychotherapy. Neurofeedback, a new approach to mental health treatment, is a type of therapeutic intervention that regulates brain wave activity in order for our brains to function in a healthier way.”
Read MoreOne of my favorite women in scripture is Zipporah, the wife of Moses. In one courageous act, Zipporah drew herself, her son, and her husband back under the protection of God. She stepped outside of her comfort zone and her position as a woman to regain alignment with the Father. That had to be terrifying! Zipporah understood the power of God.
Read MoreAs I look back over my life, I can see where God has pointed me and paved the way for my time at The WellHouse. Throughout my childhood, teenage years, and well into my young adult life, I had little counsel and I was completely lost.
Read MoreI now sit behind the desk in our front office, much different from my position in the two years overseas. I am no longer in direct-care, but something that remains a constant theme is having an eye for the one. The one person that God places in your path to demonstrate His love and kindness.
Read MoreThere is something beautiful that happens at The WellHouse on Wednesdays. If you've been by on a Wednesday, it's likely you've caught a glimpse of what I mean.
Read MoreI came to the WellHouse in 2019 after encountering minor victims of trafficking while investigating a sexual abuse case. I knew the young ladies from my time as a school resource officer, so listening to their forensic interview brought this tragedy close to home. After the interview, the reality that our state lacked resources specific to provide these minor victims was apparent. I searched but could not find help for these young ladies whose families do not have the financial resources to provide trauma therapy.
Read MoreMy name is Haley Hawkins, and I'm interning at The WellHouse. The WellHouse is a powerful place. The reality of trafficking became less distant the day I found out about the WellHouse. But, the day I arrived here for the first time, that reality consumed me. This is the story of my journey from grad school to The WellHouse...
Read MoreWe believe in the might and power of prayer to fight trafficking and rip victims from the hands of Satan. Read on to learn more about our prayer ministry from COO Debby Haralson.
Read MoreMy name is Haylee Dortch, a recent graduate from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. I’m now a full-time case manager at the WellHouse! I went into social work wondering which population would call to me. It wasn’t long at all before God called me into this amazing community of hard-working clinicians and inspiring survivors.
Read MoreMy favorite part of working as a Home Coordinator at The WellHouse is watching the transformation God performs on each one of these women. I have the opportunity to witness first-hand the power of God, and how He performs miracles and heals each one of these women, mentally, physically, emotionally, and most importantly, spiritually!
Read MoreI will never forget one of my first interactions at The WellHouse. It was my job to interview a woman who had recently joined our program. My first question: Where did you live before coming to The WellHouse?
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