Through It All
By Beverly Williams
WellHouse Woman Home Coordinator
As I look back over my life, I can see exactly where God has pointed me and paved the way for my time at The WellHouse. Throughout my childhood, teenage years, and well into my young adult life, I had little counsel and was completely lost. I was a single mother with three daughters and had one failed relationship after another. At the time, I didn’t realize that God was carrying me. Through it all, He was there wiping my tears, opening closed doors, and bringing me out of the darkness.
My transition to The WellHouse wasn’t easy - I was starting a new job that was totally out of my comfort zone. This new job also came with moving into a new home, which forced me to make an immediate adjustment to my lifestyle. I honestly didn’t know how someone in a position like mine was supposed to act, so I tried to always be myself. It was my hope that the residents would be attracted to my authenticity by being comfortable in my own skin. It’s difficult to trust someone when you don’t know who they are.
Fast forward to now, and I am approaching my seven-year anniversary working as a Home Coordinator. I love my job. I’ve learned there are good days and bad days in this line of work. I love all the ladies we serve, and I feel like I’m everybody’s Mama or Grandma. Some residents warm to me immediately and some are slow about letting me in their space. I’ve learned so much as I have evolved in my position here at The WellHouse. To listen, not just hear but truly listen, to forgive and forget, to share, and also to give - looking for nothing in return.
I continually ask God to let His presence fill up the places in my heart that need a fresh encounter with Him. To continue to mold and shape me to be a better person everyday. To let His love fill me with the desire and power to love others well. I am so thankful for a God that sees all of our weaknesses but still calls us worthy. I am humbled by the women I’ve met here at The WellHouse. Angels do exist, but sometimes they don’t have wings. We call them Friends.