The WellHouse Prayer Ministry
Case Manager praying
We believe in the might and power of prayer to fight trafficking and rip victims from the hands of Satan. Read on to learn more about our prayer ministry from COO Debby Haralson.
What can I do to help stop human trafficking?
Every day we learn more about the ravages of sexual slavery. We are wrestling, not only with the simple truth that this level of evil actually exists, but that it lives in our country, our communities, (and yes), our schools.
What can one person possibly do?
The first step to great work begins with this critical question! At The WellHouse, we have seen people fight the battle for freedom in many wonderful ways. Advocates have educated, volunteers have served, mentors have loved, teachers equipped, and builders have certainly built beautiful homes of safety and refuge! Each person has found a special way of serving The WellHouse and the women we have all come to love. Today, I’m thinking about things we can do to help fight on a spiritual level.
Therefore, let all the faithful pray to you while you may be found; surely the rising of the mighty waters will not reach them. Psalm 32:6
Are you ready to stop and pray?
Psalms reminds us that that the faithful aren’t afraid to tread into deep and treacherous waters. The women of The WellHouse need your prayers! They need you to partner with God in keeping the rising waters from sweeping over them, from drowning them in discouragement and fear.
What if you don’t know what to say?
You are my hiding place. You will keep me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. Psalm 32:7
Pray that each survivor knows she is hidden and safe in God’s care, that she will be kept from further trouble and hear the songs of deliverance that surround her.
What is your next step?
If you would like to know more about The WellHouse Prayer Ministry, receive regular prayer requests, or participate in an on-campus prayer walk, please reach out to me at