Posts tagged blessings
Daughter of the King

I want every resident that passes through our doors to know that they always have direct access to the King of Kings, and that he has brought them out from a place of darkness and into the light of his glorious presence. God is always present with them, providing comfort and support in times of fear and uncertainty. No spiritual attributes are needed to become a daughter of the King.

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Staff Blog from Rachel Crabtree

Holidays can be a time of great joy, gratitude, and fellowship; however, for a lot of our women and children it can also trigger feelings of loneliness, loss, guilt, sadness, fear, and shame.  Because of this, a lot of the work I am doing with my individual clients as well as in group therapy has focused on learning and practicing coping skills that can help get through difficult seasons. Healing is never linear and oftentimes the holiday season will remind us that we need to step away from processing through our trauma for a time and focus our attention on reestablishing our sense of safety and security – within ourselves and the environment around us.  

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Staff Blog from Abby Johnson

Residents at The WellHouse have walked through unimaginable tragedy and trauma. Of course they are sinners, as we all are, but they have not allowed this to harden their hearts! Instead, they desperately cry out for glory, as they come to know the only One who can truly heal them. They beautifully humble themselves to be exalted by Him. Their worship is the most beautiful sound!

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Staff Blog from Jennifer Holderfield

A graduate in our NSI program said to me not long ago, “Ms. Jenn your positions are like the book ends to The WellHouse. You see and welcome us when we first get here and you’re at the end to walk us through our next steps.” That statement has stuck in my mind as a reminder of what an AWESOME God we serve. What a privilege He has given each one of us who work and serve here.

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Staff Blog from Kourtney Floyd

This May, I will celebrate four years of working with The WellHouse. Something the Lord has been showing me recently is the act of remembering. The Hebrew word used when the people of God were told to remember in the Old Testament is zakhar. This word conveys more than looking back; it is recalling and remembering that propels and encourages us to move forward in faith. Therefore, I want to recall some of God's moves on the WellHouse campus.

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