Our God, The Heart Changer
My journey with The WellHouse began four years ago, and as I reflect on that journey, God’s perfect plan is obvious. Four years ago, our family received the news that our son was in end stage heart failure. To survive he would need a LVAD, a ventricular assist device that would pump his heart until a donor heart was available. Before surgeons will perform this surgery, they must have the committed support of a caregiver, someone who promises to be with the patient 24/7 should the device malfunction and require intervention. I agreed to be his caregiver. With this commitment came a radical change in my lifestyle. I could no longer keep my job or volunteer in the many ways I enjoyed. Even going to the grocery store was impossible unless my husband, a pilot who was often out of town, was home to be with my son.
I reached out to my church asking if there was any way to help serve, knowing I could not leave home. They mentioned a ministry they supported, The WellHouse, which provides safety and restoration to women who are victims of human sex-trafficking. I must admit that I knew little about human trafficking, the enormity of the business and the horrific tortures inflicted on its victims. I was immediately humbled that I could make a difference in the fight against it. My church had asked if I could write notes to these women, to give them words of hope and encouragement and to let them know how much God loved them. I began to pray for these women as I wrote, asking God to lead me to words specifically meant for each of them. I only knew them by initials, so for two years I wrote to KC, MM, EW…. The initials would change, and I would keep writing. I would mail these hand-made notes, not knowing who received them or if they made a difference or were a blessing.
And these women would never know the difference or the blessing they were giving me. In my time of terror with the responsibility of my son’s life in my hands, knowing any emergency required my flawless intervention to revive his heart, these notes turned my heart and eyes toward God, to someone other than myself and my troubles. Through prayer and searching for the perfect scriptures to share with these ladies, God was molding my heart to His greater plan.
Proverbs 11:25 explains it perfectly, “Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.”
Angie and Jessica working on Elizabeth’s Closet.
Two years after receiving the LVAD, my son received the miracle of a new heart. I was able to have more freedom in my activities, and I knew I wanted The WellHouse to be a part of them. Over the next few years, I had the honor of coordinating their lunches through our bus ministry, volunteering on campus and assisting in a weekly Bible Study. These women had changed from being initials, to being a part of my life. When I was asked to come on board staff as Office Manager, I could only marvel, “But God!”
Now I am blessed to witness every day how God is transforming their lives, showing them the meaning of hope, and helping them to love themselves. I get to celebrate with them every joy and achievement. What might seem small to us has always seemed unachievable to them and they are so grateful. Whether it is a 6-month chip for their sobriety, their first job, passing their GED or exceling in college, we are blessed to walk beside them and help them along the way. As they turn their hearts toward Jesus and accept Him as their Savior, they can fully begin to let God heal them. They share their excitement as they discover their God-given gifts and begin to use them.
I never know what each day at The WellHouse will bring, and there will be times of hurt and pain when residents leave, but I look forward to the many “Ms. Angie’s” I will hear each day as these precious women share their stories and their hearts. In their openness, humility, and gratitude, as Jesus reveals Himself in their hearts, they are forever changing mine.
I am so thankful God led each of us to The WellHouse.
“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,
His mercies never come to an end.
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.”
- Lamentations 3:22-23
But God!