Rescue Update: Summer 2022

Since our last Rescue update, The WellHouse has assisted on one sting operation and accepted twelve new residents into our restorative program. Rescue happens in a number of different ways, but it almost always happens when someone identifies a victim. We share these stories so you can know how to identify a victim and what to do when a victim needs your help.

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Monique's Survivor Story

When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a reporter when I grew up. I loved roller skating with friends and playing in my neighborhood until the streetlights came on. I never dreamed of becoming a drug dealer, addict, or prostitute, but I became all three. At age 13, I began drinking and smoking marijuana after my parents divorced. It was a terrible custody battle, and the loss of my family dynamic left me heartbroken and rebellious.

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Through It All

As I look back over my life, I can see where God has pointed me and paved the way for my time at The WellHouse. Throughout my childhood, teenage years, and well into my young adult life, I had little counsel and I was completely lost.

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Letter from the CEO - End of Year Recap

2022! The 12th year since The WellHouse was founded!

We enter it asking God to prepare our hearts for this year, while also petitioning Him for protection from danger, destruction, and division, and for allowing us to see and experience Deliverance. Deliverance for survivors who have divinely been sent to The WellHouse as well as Deliverance for all involved who are daily faced with the warfare of the enemy.

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Camille's Story

“Before I came to The WellHouse, I couldn’t deal with life or my trauma. I was scared and vulnerable; I was broken, hollow, and empty. I learned how to love myself, how to be myself and be okay with me. The feeling when you come through the gates at The WellHouse, it’s amazing. You feel the love. I remember clearly the first day I got there, because I felt such peace. I had never felt anything like it. The view was beautiful. For the first time in a long time, I didn’t have to run. I didn’t have to do anything. I was safe. You can just feel the healing begin.”

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Survivor StoryHolly Bunn
Rescue Update - Fall 2021

Since our last Rescue update, The WellHouse has accepted seven new residents into our restorative program.

Rescue happens in a number of different ways, but it almost always happens when someone identifies a victim. We share these stories so you can know how to identify a victim and what to do when a victim needs your help.

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Difference Makers - Fall 2021

Cindy began working with the transport team, helping drive ladies to various medical and dental appointments. She was surprised at how the conversation flowed. “We would chat all the way to and from the appointments,” said Cindy. “I didn’t ask questions about their trauma. It was more like a friendly, casual conversation. I was surprised by how quickly the girls made their way into my heart, though. Before long, I knew with certainty that The WellHouse was a place God wanted me to serve.”

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Developing a Program for Trafficked Children

I came to the WellHouse in 2019 after encountering minor victims of trafficking while investigating a sexual abuse case. I knew the young ladies from my time as a school resource officer, so listening to their forensic interview brought this tragedy close to home. After the interview, the reality that our state lacked resources specific to provide these minor victims was apparent. I searched but could not find help for these young ladies whose families do not have the financial resources to provide trauma therapy.

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Staff BlogGuest Userstaff blog
Rescue Update - Summer 2021

Since our last Rescue update, The WellHouse has accepted 10 new residents into our restorative program. Rescue happens in a number of different ways, but it almost always happens when someone identifies a victim. We share these stories so you can know how to identify a victim and what to do when a victim needs your help.

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