Difference Makers: Spring 2020
By Jessica Prescott, Volunteer Supervisor
Hello Helping Hands!
Here at The WellHouse, we have had a continued season of abundant blessing! We are eternally grateful for all of our volunteers, for the time, dedication, and hard work they put in for our residents.
The WellHouse staff has been in close contact with health officials to be sure we are preventing the spread of COVID-19. At this time, we have suspended all on-campus volunteer activities and postponed all off-campus activities. We will let you know when we feel it is safe to resume all regularly scheduled activities. Thank you for understanding and helping to keep us safe!
During the social distancing period, we have implemented virtual volunteering! This is a great way for you to stay connected and share a message of hope with our WellHouse residents. One way to do this is to share a video message of encouragement for our residents through Facebook, and tag The WellHouse. Another idea is to send a group game or activity to our residents at our post office box address. We would also love to see residents receive letters, cards, or care packages during this time. Isolation can produce loneliness, especially for the women on our safe house campus, but when we care for one another, we can expel fears, knowing our community is there and still supporting.
These past few months have seen many new faces, for which we are so grateful, and we simultaneously appreciate our seasoned veterans! I could not let it go without saying a tremendous heartfelt THANK YOU to all of our volunteers, but especially Mr. Lloyd Wright.
Mr. Wright has been a loyal volunteer with us and continues to amaze us with his time and abilities. He is selfless, giving of his time and resources to help keep us going. Just last month, among many other things, he assisted in getting the tires changed on our company vehicles, and graciously helped with delivering our Sam’s Club orders. Thank you Mr. Wright! You are truly a blessing!
Thank you to the Bible study group from The Church at Liberty Park, for helping us sort and deliver our Christmas donations! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a group work so quickly!
Another big thank you to the Magnolia Women’s Group Bible Study for providing our residents with the most precious Valentine’s Gift Boxes. Our residents felt so loved and appreciated during what can normally be a trying time.
These spotlighted volunteers are amazing, and we still need YOU! We currently have a monumental task at hand, and will have a time crunch in which to complete it, once it’s safe to resume normal activities!
Do you love organizing? Is your closet the envy of your friends and family? Or do you just have a knack for seeing a project to completion quickly?! If so (and even if not!), we need your help!
At The WellHouse, we have a clothing storage space (Elizabeth’s Closet) that has been designed for our residents to be able to come in and easily find the clothes they need. But it is currently filled with fall and winter clothing. We also have another space on campus, filled with excess clothing, including spring and summer items.
We need your help putting our fall and winter clothing into storage, and bringing out the spring and summer items in an organized fashion for Elizabeth’s Closet. Most of our new residents come with only the clothes on their backs, and we want to bless them with seasonally appropriate clothing, in a non-stressful environment. If you feel led to help in this endeavor, please reach out to our Jessica at (205) 306-6258.
Once these spaces are in full working order, we will be able to launch our Mobile Classroom! This will increase the time and availability of online learning for our residents enrolled in school!
There are many other ways to help, from office administration, transportation, house sitting...the list is endless! We would love to see your smiling face and helping hands soon, and wish you blessings as you endeavor to serve those at The WellHouse, either virtually or soon in person.