A COVID-19 Update for the WellHouse Community


Dear Friends,

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has affected communities, businesses, employees, parents, and organizations across the globe. During this time of disruption and uncertainty, our hearts are with each of our supporters and community members as we work together to fight for prevention and well-being. 

The evolution of events surrounding the pandemic has required The WellHouse to take quick action to protect the safety and health of our current residents and staff. We are frequently monitoring news reports and governmental updates, and we are in constant contact with our medical providers. We have imposed self-isolation and social distancing, and all non-residential staff are working remotely while remaining available by phone, email and text messaging. 

We trust our God who is faithful to protect and provide as we pray for a quick and healthy ending to this crisis. Thank you, our supporters, for your prayers and ongoing support! We could not continue to provide for the residents in our care without you. We will keep you all posted as things develop with our team and residents.

Please stay safe, and we hope this time can be one of peace and rest for each of you.

In His Peace, 

Carolyn Potter
Chief Executive Officer

Carolyn Potter