Prostitution is Not a Career
By Chapple Watkins, Advancement Director
I’ve heard many people say that prostitution isn’t a “career” choice. What I’ve come to learn is that prostitution is not a career at all. For most survivors, prostitution is seldom a choice. And even when it is, there is a history of sexual abuse, sexual brokenness, and complex trauma that leads the person to make that unfortunate choice. The term trafficking comes into play when choice is taken away.
Sex trafficking is the forced sale of sex or sexual services in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion.
This visual aid by The Exodus Road is a picture of the spectrum of sexual exploitation.
As a faith-based organization, we believe God has grace for anyone on this spectrum. He only sees a woman (or man or child) who is worthy of love and a better life. His grace is what rescues a woman from human trafficking, gives her new life, and heals her. His grace is a constant reminder for us all that no matter what has happened to us, or what we chose to do, God sees our heart, and he loves us. If we are willing, he calls us his own children, and wants to give us the opportunity to lead new lives—whole lives—where grace can abound.
Won’t you join us in sharing the same grace for these victims of human trafficking? Can you help us love the unloved? The shamed? The broken?
You can make an impact today by praying for victims, volunteering your time, or supporting our organization financially.