Difference Makers: Winter 2019
By Jessica Prescott, Volunteer Supervisor
As we head into this season of Thanksgiving, I want to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to each of our faithful volunteers. Whether you have been volunteering with us for years, or are just getting started, I want each of you to know that you are the heart of The WellHouse, and we are beyond thankful for you!
We have had many reasons to give thanks over the past few months - from our loyal Bible study leaders, church groups and mission teams, to our house sitters and our mentors - you are loved and appreciated!
This month I would like to highlight the dedicated work of a few faithful volunteers, who worked tirelessly to create a new space that transformed a cluttered storage space into a new area we have affectionately named Elizabeth’s Closet. Thanks to these volunteers, we now have a dedicated space for the residents to choose clothing and necessities upon arrival and throughout their stay. It is a calm space where they feel loved and welcome, and can “shop” in peace.
The name Elizabeth’s Closet is named after Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, who lovingly took Mary into her own home at a time when Mary was rejected and shamed by many in her community for being pregnant “out of wedlock.” Our goal is to model that same behavior with women helping, serving and accepting women who have been rejected and shamed. Our volunteers will help keep the space organized, while our residents will in-turn give back by bringing their unwanted clothing to donate away from The WellHouse to help a different organization in need.
We strive to be good stewards of the in-kind gifts we are given by our supporters. As such, we are changing the way we do things in regards to accepting in-kind donations (especially clothing) so that your gifts can be best used by those we serve!
You all have been such amazing GIVERS! We have been abundantly blessed by your donations of clothing and personal care items. So blessed that we have run out of space to put it all! Because we are a long term residential facility, the needs of our residents do not change rapidly.
So what are our greatest needs? Toilet paper, paper towels, trash bags and laundry detergent! The only clothing we are in need of right now is newly packaged (basic) underwear of all sizes, new or very good condition bras of all sizes, and size 10 and 11 winter shoes. We also need size 3XL and above clothing of all sizes. Clothing smaller than size 3XL is not needed at this time.
Going forward we will list very specific needs on our Needs Page, including specific clothing and personal care items. Before you give, please check the website to see if we have a current need for those items. As always, if there are specific questions, feel free to reach out and we can help!
But what about Christmas? Great question!! We LOVE Christmas at The WellHouse, and we are excited about the blessings that are to come. This year we will be introducing an Amazon Gift Registry for larger needs. We will also have an opportunity for you or a group to sponsor a resident! If you are interested in either program, please reach out to jessica@the-wellhouse.org for more information.
Again, thank you to all of our loyal volunteers and cheerful givers! I say it all the time, because it’s true! We are so very blessed by you and appreciate all you do!