Survivor Story: Danielle

Before I came through The WellHouse gates at 22 years old, I was a lost young woman living a life of misery and destruction.

I was born and raised in the South with a loving family made up of my amazing parents and five siblings. My childhood was full of joy until the age of five, when I was sexually abused by a family friend. Three years later my parents divorced, and it drastically changed my life. Seeing my father leave our home, not knowing when I would see him again, broke something inside of me. In that moment, the enemy planted seeds of unworthiness and anger within me that would change the course of my life over the next fourteen years.

Soon after graduating high school in 2020, I began using drugs and became extremely promiscuous. I sought after love in all the wrong people and places. One night of making bad decisions led me into the arms of my first trafficker. What I thought was true love and affection turned out to be abuse and manipulation. Not only did I feel unloved and unworthy by my earthly father, I felt unloved and unworthy of my heavenly Father.

I have always known God, but the guilt and shame that consumed me caused me to run from Him. I lost my identity to addiction, selling my body for currency, and physical & mental abuse. After three years of misery, I gave myself to another man hoping he could save me and love me unconditionally, but he could not. By 21, I was living with a narcissist who constantly abused me mentally and physically, and who later became my third trafficker.

I became numb to the pain and began embracing a life of destruction. I had no hope of ever living the life God intended for me. In 2023, I jumped out of a moving vehicle in hopes to end my life. By the grace of God, I stood up and began to walk. In that moment I cried out to God begging him to save me from myself and the life I was living.

A few weeks later, after my last trafficker beat me and threatened to take my life if I left him, I ran down to the front desk of the hotel terrified and called my father. With tears rolling down my face I asked him to please come get me, and I left that day with him. My family tried their best to help me get back to the daughter and sister that they once knew but only God could undo the damage that had been done.

During this season of my life, I became extremely co-dependent on drugs. I wanted to be free from addiction, but I did not know how to cope with such a drastic change in my life. I gave my life to Christ and my hope was restored, but I did not yet trust in God and was not truly ready to surrender. Soon after getting sober, I relapsed. With the support of my family, I checked into rehab where the foundation of recovery was built, but I was still carrying the burden of my past trauma with me and I didn’t know what to do with it. My counselor at the rehab center understood my need for my intensive treatment and got me in touch with The WellHouse. Within two weeks I made my way through the gates of The WellHouse with an unshakeable feeling that God was going to change my life.

After one year at The WellHouse, I not only have I begun to heal from the trauma of my past, but I am also learning who I am in Christ Jesus. Through extensive trauma therapy and a community of loving and supportive women, I‘ve been given a second chance at living the life God ordained for me and becoming the woman He called me to be. Healing is hard work, and it takes time. I have made mistakes during my time here, but The WellHouse is a place of grace and mercy. Not only have my physical needs been met, but my mental and emotional needs have always been a priority.

During my time here I have rededicated my life to Christ, learned (and continue to learn) how to put God first, and live a life of victory and happiness. I am now 23 years old, and this is just the beginning for me. The WellHouse is guiding me and loving me through how to love myself and find freedom in Christ Jesus. The WellHouse is teaching me how to live a life free from addiction and shame.

The WellHouse is the reason I want to further my education. I have tangible goals and ambitions, restored family relationships, budgeting life skills, and so much more. 2 Corinthians 1:9-10 says, “Indeed we felt we had received the sentence of death, but this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. He has delivered us from such a deadly peril and He will deliver us again. On Him we have set our hope that He will continue to deliver us.” I thank God for The WellHouse and for the kingdom work being done here. God placed my feet on solid ground through this ministry, and for the first time in my life, I am hopeful and excited for what God has in store for me.