2025 National Human Trafficking Day
Awareness vs. Action
By: WellHouse CEO Carolyn Potter
January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month, and January 11th specifically is designated as “Wear Blue” for Awareness. In the state of Alabama, which is inundated with awareness efforts, social media posts, training, education, etc., is it time we paused and asked about what Action really means?
We know human trafficking exists in our state. Are we measuring the impact of Awareness efforts? What is being done on the Prevention side? How is Data being tracked and shared? Are the bad guys winning and those needing resources and services the most being left behind? Are we operating in silos with an unwillingness to partner for fear of accountability? These are hard questions; here is a harder one: Can we eliminate the weariness of Awareness efforts by utilizing events to focus on true Action?
I am thankful for the vision of the Attorney General’s Alliance on Human Trafficking and glad that The WellHouse is their service provider partner. We have been challenged with an opportunity to dig deep into all that is happening within our state, identify strengths and gaps, and then get to work on actionable items from a solid, statewide, strategic plan. It will take all of us. It will also take funding and a true commitment to not just talk about the issue, but tackle it in an organized, meaningful way that will yield results that can be measured to improve services and access funding. Because it does take funding to do this work!