Difference Makers: Fall 2019
By Holly Hyche, Development Director
Welcome to the team, Jessica Prescott, Volunteer Supervisor
What an amazing summer we have had at The WellHouse, full of growth, development, healing and restoration in the lives of our residents. Dedicated and beloved volunteers to The WellHouse are an extension of our staff and drive this to happen each day. We appreciate you.
Thank you to Gardendale First Baptist, 180 Church, Victory Christian, Valleydale Church and Church of the Highlands for the many hours of lawn care you have assisted with to help our campus stay beautiful all summer long!
Thank you to our Illinois Group who came to town for several days to serve our residents. You served dinner, played games, created gift boxes for Operation Christmas Child, and more! Thank you for your partnership and love.
Thank you to volunteers Shallon and Donna for blessing our residents with a tremendous amount of much needed supplies, to volunteer Laura Rolfe for bringing socks with a powerful “Strong” message, and Hunter Street Baptist Church volunteers for bringing birthday treats and hosting our monthly birthday celebrations! Thank you also to Jill Jack and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for a massive donation of much needed supplies!
Thank you to Gwen Kelley and Gardendale First Baptist volunteers for doing an art project with our residents. Thank you to Anna Glover and volunteers from Southminster Presbyterian Church for doing a fun movie night, and to our Junior Board for bringing BBQ and board games this quarter!
We’re also appreciative to Samford University Law group for helping out with a reorganizing project onsite, and to Laura Harper in Louisiana for partnering with The WellHouse, providing proceeds from her jewelry sales at deardaughterco.com.
And thank you to ALL volunteers who routinely bring your strength, love, wisdom, and joy to our women each and every day. We could not do this work without your constant support, and you truly make an impactful difference at The WellHouse!
We would like to welcome and introduce to you the newest member of our staff – Mrs. Jessica Prescott! Jessica has come on board as Volunteer Supervisor, joining the Development Team.
Married to her husband Owen for 10 years, and a mom of four beautiful little girls, Jessica has made it her mission to teach her daughters to serve others in love by modeling the commandment given in Luke 10:37, “Go and do likewise.” She is excited to share her passion for the Lord and her servant heart as she walks alongside our wonderful volunteers who are doing the same.
She will be facilitating volunteer training, overseeing the mentor program, and coordinating volunteers to appropriate staff members to schedule opportunities for service. Additionally, Jessica will work to manage and improve data processes, as well as launch efforts to increase educational opportunities for our residents.
Jessica has had a huge heart and calling to The WellHouse since meeting us and has volunteered her time with us for the past six months. We are so excited that she has joined our team and she is excited to meet and get to know all of our supporters.