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What is your job title and what year did you come on staff at The WellHouse?

I came on staff at The WellHouse in 2024, and I serve as the Spiritual Care Coordinator.

What is your favorite part about your job?

I love getting to encourage residents and staff with the hope that we have in the finished work on the cross. Jesus has come so that we may have life abundantly.

Tell us about your educational and professional experience that equips you to be successful in this field.

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work, and I have worked as a Juvenile Probation Officer as well as served as a Missionary/Church Planter among an unreached People Group. 

Tell us about your journey coming into the anti-trafficking field and with The WellHouse.

The Lord has given me a heart for vulnerable populations. My last year of college, I interned at The WellHouse and the Lord opened up my eyes to a need right here in Alabama. When I moved back to Alabama from working as a full time missionary, I knew I wanted to work with the WellHouse and in his timing the perfect position opened up for me as Spiritual Care coordinator. 

How has working at The WellHouse impacted your life?

Working at the WellHouse reminds me daily of the power of the simple gospel! It is for all people no matter our story and is the power unto salvation.