Now Playing: Sound of Freedom
The Sound of Freedom movie has quickly generated many opinions, news articles, social media posts, etc., and it is not without controversy, particularly from Hollywood and some news media outlets, as well as those who are actively serving survivors. It is true as our friend Jeff Shaw with Frontline Response said, “Those of us who are plowing the concrete of providing services to the victims are not knocking down doors and throwing people over our shoulder; instead, we are completing the story by offering opportunities for restoration.” This includes partnering with organizations who are actively identifying and recovering survivors of human trafficking, such as Covenant Rescue Group right here in Alabama. They do great work in our communities in Alabama with getting the “bad guys” and getting advocates in front of survivors.
At The WellHouse, we have long been aware of this deplorable activity that steals the souls and spirits of its victims. Being in the work of offering restorative services to trafficking victims for thirteen years, we have encountered every imaginable and unimaginable cruelty. While we know that rescue is essential, and we wish we saw more of it, the question remains: what about the needs of those rescued after they are removed from these unimaginable atrocities? Most survivors, if not all who are rescued, need intensive services such as ongoing trauma therapy, substance use treatment, and every manner of life skills – effective services offered in a safe, caring environment. This is what we strive to provide, and while our hearts break for those trafficked globally, our focus has been on the survivors in our country. Sound of Freedom mainly focuses on international child trafficking, and the viewer might start to picture child victims only overseas, when this is not the case. Tragically, the United States is reportedly the largest consumer of child sex.
Child sex trafficking is especially egregious, and we have encountered victims since opening WellHouse Child whose lives seem hopeless. By God’s grace, they begin thriving after understanding that they are safe from harm with people they can trust. Every victim deserves what we have been equipped to offer at The WellHouse, both adults and minors, and our commitment is firm to continue to serve.
So go see the movie, do your research, form your own opinion, but keep in mind that adult and child sex trafficking is happening locally, nationally and internationally, and it is important for people to be educated on what this looks like in their communities. Once you know this, decide what you will do. The WellHouse is available and equipped to provide education, training, and many opportunities to serve, or if you just want to have a conversation.
WellHouse Child