Amanda Boczar
What is your job title and what year did you come on staff at The WellHouse?
I am the Intake Director for WellHouse Women and WellHouse Child. I came on staff in 2023.
What is your favorite part about your job?
My favorite part about my job is seeing God's sovereign will change lives and the ripple effect it causes in the lives of others.
Tell us about your educational and professional experience that equips you to be successful in this field.
I have been a Law Enforcement Officer for 13 years. I still hold current LEO credentials along with Child Forensic Interviewer, CPR/BLS Instructor, De-Escalation Instructor and Hostage Negotiator.
Tell us about your journey coming into the anti-trafficking field and with The WellHouse.
Despite having been in law enforcement for such a long time, I knew very little about the human trafficking world. There just isn't a lot of human trafficking training for us. God began changing my heart to serve in a different way.
How has working at The WellHouse impacted your life?
Working at The WellHouse has changed every aspect of my life. Specifically where I place my faith and understanding. I used to place all my faith in myself. I attributed any accomplishment or accolade to myself. God has really changed my heart on that one. I don't think I could be in this career and lean on my own understanding. It just wouldn't work. It would lead to arrogance or despair. I've been both at some point in this life. I now lean on His strength and His plan. His strength sustains me!