abby johnson
What is your job title and what year did you come on staff at The WellHouse?
I started in November 2022, and I serve as the WellHouse Child Case Manager.
What is your favorite part about your job?
My favorite part about my job is the times that I get to interact with the residents, hear their stories, and watch them discover and become all that God has created them to be.
Tell us about your educational and professional experience that equips you to be successful in this field.
I graduated from Highlands College with a degree in Christian Ministries. Highlands College equipped me in leadership and in ministry while encouraging us forward in our relationship with Jesus.
Please share your favorite memory from your time working at The WellHouse.
My favorite memory at The WellHouse is from when I first started here. The girls (residents) could tell that I was nervous to begin my new position here. The girls began to encourage me and call me up to be all that God’s made me to be. I knew then that this is where God had called me to be and that these girls were going to continue to inspire and minister to my heart much more than I ever could for them.
Tell us about your journey coming into the anti-trafficking field and with The WellHouse.
Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve had an overwhelming burning in my heart to rescue girls from Human Trafficking. I came in contact with The WellHouse during my search for ways that I could make an impact, and the rest is history!
How has working at The WellHouse impacted your life?
The WellHouse has impacted my life in so many ways in such a short time period. It has opened my eyes even more so to the reality of Human Trafficking and the traumatic effects it has on people. But, after seeing The WellHouse, getting to know the systems, and getting to know the people here, I know that God is rescuing His people. It has deepened the desire to do more and more to change this in our world. Each woman that I have met is so special and has a unique story. They have all marked me and inspired me to keep fighting for the One, like Jesus does.