Difference Makers: Winter 2023

Hi everyone! My name is Brianna Pierce, and I am the new Volunteer Coordinator at The WellHouse. I am so honored to get to play a small part in what God is doing on our campus. I came on staff in September of this year, and I can already tell just how wonderful our volunteers are!

Over the past few months, we have had almost 20 people join our Volunteer Team. In fact, a few of those volunteers have started leading regularly scheduled classes on campus - a bi-weekly baking class, a co-led life skills class, and a brand new weekly cooking class at WellHouse Child.

As we’ve moved into the holiday season, I have been blown away by the generosity our volunteers have shown to the residents going through the Restoration Process. All of our Thanksgiving meals were either dropped off or paid for by volunteers, and all of our Christmas meals will be covered by volunteers as well.

Additionally, we have several individuals and groups coming out to campus to do festive activities with our residents over the next month - things like cookie decorating, gingerbread house making, bingo playing, and pajama partying. The campus has been decorated by some wonderful volunteers who generously gave their time and resources to make The WellHouse a winter wonderland! Lastly, I am so excited to say that all 36 of our residents’ Christmas gifts have been sponsored! The holidays can be hard on our residents, so we are very grateful for our volunteers that have gone out of their way to make sure our women feel loved and cared for this season. 

Looking ahead, I am hoping to build a prayer team that comes regularly to campus and intercedes on behalf of our residents and staff members. There is so much to be thanking God for this season and we are immeasurably grateful for those of you who do this work alongside us.